Sexy Killer (Review)

Sexy KillerBarbara is equal parts princess and psychopath. Equal parts vacuous Kardashian and vicious killer. A butcher behind a Barbie exterior.

Barbara is a university student who loves fashion mags, jewellery, nice clothes, cute boys and all things murder. It is probably the latter thing that sets her apart.

Irreverent and inventive, Sexy Killer starts off in exceptionally strong fashion, as Barbara introduces both herself and her motives in a series of very well executed scenes. There is an in-movie ‘how to’ infomercial on how to pull off an effective murder and a reminder that serial killing burns calories. In between Barbara saucily saunters about, breaking he fourth wall constantly and lampooning the very thought that anyone could possibly take any of this seriously.

The ever honest Barbara continues killing all over campus, attracting the attention of the media, students and teachers, none of whom think it possible that the petite hottie coulda dun did it, even as she brazenly discusses her slayings and tactics openly.

The movie overreaches upon the arrival of a morgue attendant with a scientific breakthrough, with the ensuing zombie horde taking an over the top affair a little too far, almost into Japsanity territory. (Despite the title, the film scraps most of its ‘sexy’ promises after the first few minutes, which admittedly prove Barbara to be one sexy killer.)

Still, Sexy Killer is daring and creative – especially in the early going – and despite a few missteps, you’ll need to seek out The Revenant to find something this new and original.

Final Rating – 6.7 / 10. Another example of me being torn between recommending or not. I’ll put it this way; if you have a taste for the new and different, I think you should see it, but I don’t think the film is worth the entire 80 minutes it asks of the viewer.

About OGR

While I try to throw a joke or two into proceedings when I can all of the opinions presented in my reviews are genuine. I don't expect that all will agree with my thoughts at all times nor would it be any fun if you did, so don't be shy in telling me where you think I went wrong... and hopefully if you think I got it right for once. Don't be shy, half the fun is in the conversation after the movie.
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